A Whole New World - Mena Massoud & Naomi Scott (Cover) | Gem Echavez & Jonathan Tubera

A Whole New World - Mena Massoud & Naomi Scott (Cover) | Gem Echavez & Jonathan Tubera

A song cover with my cousin Jonathan. ❤️ #songcover #awholenewworld #aladdin #song I hope you enjoyed watching this video. Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe for more videos on my channel. And, for you to get notified on my next video tap the notification bell. Feel free to suggest a vlog content, comment down below! Xoxo, Gem ❤️ If you want to send me a message without wanting me to know who you are, you can click this link and type your message. http://sayout.me/say/meggy_echavez ✉️ WANNA BE UPDATED ON WHAT’S GOING ON IN MY LIFE? FOLLOW AND CHECK MY INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT 📷 LINK: https://www.instagram.com/invites/con... HERE’S MY FACEBOOK ACCOUNT: ❤️ LINK:   / mheg.echavez   WANNA SEE ME DANCE? FOLLOW AND CHECK MY TIKTOK ACCOUNT 💁🏻‍♀️ LINK: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZGJDw72oM/ WANNA KNOW WHAT’S ON MY MIND? HOW I FEEL, WHAT’S MY MOOD. FOLLOW AND CHECK MY TWITTER ACCOUNT 🥀 LINK:   / echavez_gem   SEE ME LIVE! FOLLOW MY KUMU ACCOUNT ✨ LINK: https://app.kumu.ph/gemchelseaechavez