Mung Bean sprouts or Japanese bean sprouts

Mung Bean sprouts or Japanese bean sprouts

Mung bean sprouts Aemono recipe Bean sprouts 1 pack Mayonnaise 1 tablespoon Mentaiko 1 stick Crab sticks 1 pack Wasabi Mustard optional Salt and pepper Wash and drain the mung beans sprouts In a frying pan cook the mung beans sprout add the ff ingredients mentaiko crabstick season with wasabi and sprinkle with salt and pepper lets cool and set aside then toss it with mayonnaise Serve it as a side dish garnishing fresh vegetables is optional guys Thanks always guys for watching This my simple quick idea recipe Guy’s my homemade cook for my husband na picky when it comes to food but I really enjoy to make and cook it with love Byee 💕💕💕 love see ypu soon ple like and 🫨 shsre Nhins Kitchenette