🔴 कैसे होंगे आने वाली SHIFTS के प्रश्न  || SSC CGL PRE 2023 || BY  Shivant Sir #ssccgl2023 #sscchsl

🔴 कैसे होंगे आने वाली SHIFTS के प्रश्न || SSC CGL PRE 2023 || BY Shivant Sir #ssccgl2023 #sscchsl

🔴 कैसे होंगे आने वाली SHIFTS के प्रश्न || SSC CGL PRE 2023 || BY Shivant Sir #ssccgl2023 #sscchsl #sscchsl#ssccgl2023 #sscchsl #ssccgl2023 #sscchsl #generalstudies #gkgs #shivant_sir_gs #ssc #shivant_sir #sscgd #ssc #sscchsl2023 #statickgk #census2023 #census #ssccgl2023 #sscmts2023 #sscmts #ssccgl #rankers_gurukul #rankersgurukul #rankers_gurukul #staticgk #Practicesetgkgs #Previousyearquestion #ssccglpreviousyearpaper #ssccgl2023 #bestcoachingindelhi #ssc #beststaticgkrevision #staticgkmarathon #sscpreexpectedquestion #rankers_gurukul #shivant_sir JOIN RG STATE EXAM: https://bit.ly/RG1STATEEXAMS ✅ Playlist - Mahabharat Batch Pol./Geo. By Shivant Sir 👉Link: https://bit.ly/MahabharatBatchByShiva... Rankers' Gurukul LIVE 🔴 Official Telegram ( FOR PDF) https://t.me/RankersGurukulLive ✅ 💥 REASONING CGL WARRIOR किताब को अभी Order करने के लिए नीचे दिए Link पर CLICK करें 👉Amazon - https://amzn.eu/d/00KrqrW 👉Flipkart - https://bit.ly/3XcFRsMCGLWARRIORBYVIK... 💥Batch Join करने के लिए अभी Play Store से RG VIKRAMJEET 🖥App Download करे। App लिंक- https://bit.ly/RGVIKRAMJEET ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ 👉 Combo ( REASONING+ MATH + ENGLISH + GS / GK )Special Batch (PAID) (By India's best Faculty ) Started on 19 JUNE - @2499 only (🔴 LIVE BATCH ) 👉 GK / GS Special Batch (PAID) (By GK / GS TEAM ) Started on 19 JUNE - @899 only (🔴 LIVE BATCH ) 👉 Science Special Batch (PAID) (By Rashika ma'am) Started on 19 JUNE - @399 only (🔴 LIVE BATCH ) 👉 REASONING Special Batch (PAID) (By Vikramjeet Sir) Started on 19 JUNE - @899 only (🔴 LIVE BATCH ) 👉 Maths Special Batch (PAID) (By Aditya Ranjan Sir) Started on 19 JUNE - @899 only (🔴 LIVE BATCH ) 👉 English Special Batch (PAID) (By Prashant Solanki Sir) Started on 19 JUNE - @899 only (🔴 LIVE BATCH ) 💥 BATCH AVAILABLE FOR STATE EXAM 💥 👉 Hindi Special Batch ( PAID ) ( By Swati Mam ) Started on 09 MAY - @399 only (🔴 LIVE BATCH ) 👉 DELHI POLICE Special Batch ( PAID ) Started on 19 MAY - @599 only (🔴 LIVE BATCH ) 👉 BIHAR POLICE Special Batch ( PAID ) Started on 09 MAY - @399 only (🔴 LIVE BATCH ) Why us ? 💭💭 📢 UPDATED CONTENT ( UPDATION Source- ( SSC , UPSI , CGL , CHSL , CPO 2021 , 2022 , CDS , CAT , CGL 2019, 2020, 2021 MAINS ) 📢 DIGITAL BOARD CLASSES 📢 ZERO TO HERO LEVEL 📢 PDF + HANDWRITTEN CLASS NOTES 🎁Note:-Videos की Recording कभी भी और कितनी भी बार देख सकते है 👉 बैच के फायदे Advantage of this Batch 👈 Basic Concepts Clarity Best Approach to solve a Question Direct Shortcut + Skill development to create a new shortcut. Focus on concepts as well as practice of Questions Questions Sheets are divided type-wise & level-wise according to weightage of topic Previous Year Questions as well as new TCS pattern Questions ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ 📒📕 YOUTUBE ▶ PLAYLIST 🔴 50 दिन 50 मैराथन By Shivant Sir 🔴 Link :    • 50 Din 50 Marathon By Shivant Sir   🔴 30 दिन Complete GS 🔴 LINK -    • 30 दिन Complete GS   🔴 MOCK TEST CHSL GK / GS BY SHIVANT SIR 🔴 LINK -    • MOCK TEST BY SHIVANT SIR   🔴 SUNDAY MARATHON BY SHIVANT SIR 🔴 LINK -    • GS  मैराथन BY SHIVANT SIR   🔴 16 दिन 16 मैराथन BY SHIVANT SIR 🔴 LINK -    • 16 दिन 16 मैराथन BY SHIVANT SIR   🔴 GK / GS BY SHIVANT SIR 🔴 LINK -    • GK/GS BY SHIVANT SIR   ___________________________________________________________________ Rankers Gurukul LIVE is building India's #1 Student Learning Community. ___________________________________________________________________ 📲Follow us on 👇👇👇 🟣 Download Application - RG VIKRAMJEET App लिंक- https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... 🟣 Website : LINK - http://www.rankersgurukul.com 🟣 Telegram : https://t.me/RankersGurukulLive 🟣 Facebook :   / rankergurukul   🟣 Instagram :   / rankersgurukul   यदि आप हमारी Online Course खरीदना चाहते हैं तो contact करें : Call us 📞 or 📱 WhatsApp - 8506003399 _____________________________________________________________________ 👉 Like and share the videos with your friends. ​ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ 🔥 YouTube TimeTable 🔥 08:00 AM - Current Affairs By Deepak Sir 09:00 AM - GS By Deepak Sir 10:30 AM - Vocab By Prashant Sir 04:30 PM - GS By Shivant Sir 06:00 PM - GS Special (Join RG State Exams) 07:00 PM - Reasoning By Vikramjeet Sir 08:30 PM - Maths By Aditya Ranjan Sir 10:00 PM - English By Prashant Solanki Sir ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀