4 Guitar Songs to Impress Anyone (Easy, Medium, Hard, NIGHTMARE)

4 Guitar Songs to Impress Anyone (Easy, Medium, Hard, NIGHTMARE)

In this video, I'll be showing you 4 impressive guitar songs! Asturias TABS: https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/tab/... Apeirophobia TABS + VIDEO:    • Animals As Leaders - Apeirophobia // ...   Danza Brasilera TABS: https://tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/tab/... Young TABS + VIDEO:    • ichika Nito - Young : Cover + TABs + ...   Learn Guitar: Try the 14 day FREE trial at GuitarTricks with over 11,000 lessons! https://goo.gl/rDnSk6 If you want to start fingerstyle, I highly recommend the classical guitar lessons. That's how I began learning fingerstyle. But you should also learn some theory lessons too: Go to: http://guitartricks.com/andy and enter the code "Andy" to unlock your special offer!! https://andrewfoy.fanlink.to/SPOTIFY Download my guitar tabs: http://mnot.es/AF_tabs Follow Me: INSTAGRAM: andrew_foy_ Support me on Patreon and get rewards:   / awfguitar   . Video Outline: 0:00 - Intro 1:18 - Asturias Intro 1:59 - Asturias Playthrough 2:32 - How to Play Asturias 3:33 - Apeirophobia Intro 3:58 - Apeirophobia Playthrough 4:23 - How to Play Apeirophobia 6:54 - Danza Brasilera Intro 7:23 - Danza Playthrough 8:11 - Young Intro 8:41 - Young Playthrough 9:01 - Outro Songs used in video: Kass' Theme -    • KASS' THEME Guitar Cover - Zelda Brea...   Mipha's Theme -    • Zelda Breath of the Wild Guitar Cover...