How to eat BIRYANI healthily ? | Dr Pal

How to eat BIRYANI healthily ? | Dr Pal

Discussing how biryani can cause fatty liver causing liver damage. Fatty liver is one of the silent epidemics. Silent damage can cause cirrhosis, liver cancer, and liver transplantation. I am discussing the pathophysiology of how fatty liver is formed and how we can eat biryani in a healthy way. Blue light filter glasses available here: --- Dr. Palaniappan Manickam MD, MPH Internal Medicine | Gastroenterology | Epidemiologist --- For Tamil videos, please subscribe to my Tamil channel:    / @priyapal_vibes   Like us on Facebook:   / dr-pal-102856268051377   Follow us on Instagram:   / dr.pal.manickam   Follow us on Twitter:   / drpal_manickam   Join us on Telegram: Email: [email protected] If you want to donate to AISHWARYAM TRUST, here are the details. Website: Bank: Indian bank, Thirunagar branch, Madurai Account name: AISHWARYAM TRUST Account number: 6639017788 IFSC: IDIB000T032 #fattyliver #cirrhosis #weightloss #livertransplantation #biryanibadfood #intermittentfasting #circadianrhythm #bellyfat #briyani #livercancer