Digraph CH makes three sounds | A spelling rap song | /ch/ /k/ /sh/|
The digraph 'ch' makes three different sounds depending on the language of origin. The most common sound 'ch' makes is /ch/ as in chop. It can also make the sound /k/ as in school or /sh/ as in chef. The spelling rap song will teach you all you need to know about the digraph 'ch' ch makes three sounds ch (as in chop)/ch (as in school)/ch (as in chef) ch makes three sounds ch (as in chop)/ch (as in school)/ch (as in chef) ch makes three sounds ch (as in chop)/ch (as in school)/ch (as in chef) ch makes three sounds ch (as in chop)/ch (as in school)/ch (as in chef) Here is a list of words again And they’re all of English origin They all contain a ch That makes the sound ‘ch’ chop/ch o p chain/ch ai n rich/r i ch church/ch ur ch ch makes three sounds ch (as in chop)/ch (as in school)/ch (as in chef) ch makes three sounds ch (as in chop)/ch (as in school)/ch (as in chef) Here is a list of words again and they’re all of Greek origin they all contain a ch that makes the sound ‘k’ echo/e ch o school/s ch oo l chaos/ch a o s chrome/ch r o me ch makes three sounds ch (as in chop)/ch (as in school)/ch (as in chef) ch makes three sounds ch (as in chop)/ch (as in school)/ch (as in chef) Here is a list of words again and they’re all of French origin they all contain a ch that makes the sound ‘sh’ chef/ch e f machine/m a ch i ne cache/c a che Charlotte/Ch ar l o tte