Menstruation Routines that Work for Pain Relief | Women's Health | Healthy Home Remedies Tips

Menstruation Routines that Work for Pain Relief | Women's Health | Healthy Home Remedies Tips

Dos and don'ts of menstrual health. Menstruation can be a difficult time for most women due to the pain and discomfort caused. Watch the video to learn an effective day routine to be followed to reduce the pain and stay active during this time. Please share the video with friends and family you believe might benefit from it. We aim to promote wellbeing and make this world a better place to live in. Thank you! Visit our website at: Download our New Meditation App - Nispand: Play Store: App Store: Sign up for our 200 Hours Part Time TTC (Hindi Online): Register for our 21 Days Better Living Course: Watch our video on "Easy Yoga Postures for Menstrual Pain | Dr. Hansaji Yogendra" by clicking the link below:    • Easy Yoga Postures for Menstrual Pain...   Subscribe to our channels to stay updated:    / theyogainstitutehindi     / theyogainstituteofficial     / theyogainstituteofficial     / theyogainstituteofficial     / tyi_official   #DrHansaji #TheYogaInstitute #TheYogaInstitute_DiseaseDisorders #Thingstodowhilemenstruation #Routinesduringmenstruation #Menstruation #MenstruationRoutine #period #WomenPeriods #naturalcycle #progesteronehormones #hormones #menstrualhealth #WomensHealth #Practiceyoga #Eathealthy #hotwaterbag #unduestrain #TurmericMilk #Guidedmeditations #Health #Women #Yoga #drhansajiYogendra #girlinpain #healthydayroutine #dayroutine #periodsroutine #womensproblem #curewithyoga #womenshealthmatters #womenshealthtips 0:00 Introduction 0:33 Progesterone Estrogen 1:23 Drink for Breakfast 1:49 Vitamin C Vitamin E 2:25 Practice Yoga Techniques 3:00 clavicular Breathing 3:44 Eat Healthy 4:44 Premenstrual Syndrome P.M.S 4:59 Apply a Hot Water Bag 5:25 Don't Put Undue Strain 6:35 Listen to Guided Meditations