[4K] Lee Youngji "Day & Night" #이영지 낮 밤 직캠 Barricade | 240901 Los Angeles

[4K] Lee Youngji "Day & Night" #이영지 낮 밤 직캠 Barricade | 240901 Los Angeles

Do not edit. Do not repost. Youngji Concert Links: Concert Vlog! VVIP Exp @ The Novo Check-in Process    • k-culture president lee youngji 이영지 i...   Full Soundcheck    • [4K] Lee Youngji FULL SOUNDCHECK BARR...   Complete Setlist    • 240901 이영지 Lee Youngji in Los Angeles   Full Concert    • [4K] #이영지 Lee Youngji FULL CONCERT BA...   LEE YOUNGJI 이영지 All or Nothing Tour - US Leg 240901 The Novo, Los Angeles #LEEYOUNGJI #YOUNGJI #ALLORNOTHING #SMALLGIRL #NOTSORRY #YOUNGJIFANCAM