Dcn Burt Martin Homily 12th Sun Ord Time Fathers Day 9 am Mass Jun 20 2021
Deacon Burt Martin's Homily,12th Sunday of Ordinary Time, on Fathers Day, 9 am Mass, Jun 20, 2021. This Live Stream video was produced for the spiritual benefit of our parish community, and all who might be interested in discovering more about the Catholic Church. This video is broadcast with the blessing of the Congregation of Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, at the Vatican in Rome, and with the blessing of our local church authorities, for the spiritual benefit of our faithful in the time of Covid-19. "In this occasion, the means of live (not recorded) televisual or internet broadcasts are helpful." (Decree: In Time of COVID-19). Permission to podcast or live stream copyrighted music used in this religious service is obtained from either OneLicense.net with license # A-726876, or from CCLI.com with license # 2926454. All rights reserved. St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church (www.svdp-houston.org, 713 667-9111) is in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.