Kingstown Methodist Church Watch Night Service Friday, December 31, 2021

Kingstown Methodist Church Watch Night Service Friday, December 31, 2021

{Watch Night Service 11pm} Preacher: Rev'd Philbert S. Delaney (Methodist Superintendent Minister Kingstown/Chateaubelair Circuit) //"Moving On In Jesus Despite The Odds"/ JOY ___________________________ Any videos, songs, music, images, graphics used in this broadcast belongs to their respective owner(s); and the Kingstown Methodist Church does not claim rights over them. Hymn Publishers: 1) THE METHODIST PUBLISHING HOUSE LONDON 2) THE METHODIST CHURCH IN THE CARIBBEAN AND THE AMERICAS ___________________________ Contact information: Telephone#: (784) 457-1989 Email: [email protected] Website: YouTube Channel:    / kingstownmethodist   Facebook Page:   / kingchatmethodist