Luke 6:39-45: The 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Gospel Reflection by Fr. Tim Peters

Luke 6:39-45: The 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Gospel Reflection by Fr. Tim Peters

#sundaygospel #catholicbiblestudy #Luke6 #Luke6 #readingsformass #biblestudy #gospelofluke #yearc Sunday Readings for Mass, the 3rd Week of Ordinary Time, Year C. Catholic Bible Study, Luke, The Gospel of Luke. SUBSCRIBE and turn on your notifications for more videos. See the playlist for our library of biblical studies:    • Catholic Bible Study, Ezekiel: The Bo...      • Catholic Bible Study, Exodus: The Boo...      • Catholic Bible Study, 2 Kings, The Bo...      • Catholic Bible Study, 1 Kings, The Bo...      • Catholic Bible Study, 2 Samuel, The B...      • Catholic Bible Study, Sirach: The Boo...      • Catholic Bible Study, Judges: The Boo...      • Catholic Bible Study, Matthew: The Go...      • Catholic Bible Study: Revelation, The...      • Catholic Bible Study, Jeremiah: The B...      • Catholic Bible Study, John, The Gospe...      • Catholic Bible Study, Acts: The Acts ...      • Understanding the Catholic Faith and ...      • Catholic Bible Study Luke: The Gospel...      • Catholic Bible Study Isaiah, the Book...      • Catholic Bible Study, Jeremiah: The B...