[220612] Stray Kids (스트레이 키즈)  'God's Menu (神메뉴)'  2ndWorldTour “MANIAC” in Japan/Kobe Concert Day-2

[220612] Stray Kids (스트레이 키즈) 'God's Menu (神메뉴)' 2ndWorldTour “MANIAC” in Japan/Kobe Concert Day-2

This video took place on June 12, 2022 on the 2nd World Tour “MANIAC” in Japan/Kobe Concert of South Korean artist Stray Kids. I took a screenshot and shared it for my Stay friends who could not watch the program🥰 Have a good time everyone. Don't forget to support these talented kids❣️ #StrayKids #스트레이키즈#GodsMenu#神메뉴 #GO生 #GOLIVE #YouMakeStrayKidsStay #straykidseverywhereallaroundtheworld