Episode 2:  How to plan a vegetable garden in 5 easy steps

Episode 2: How to plan a vegetable garden in 5 easy steps

"Plan Your Perfect Veggie Garden (No Spreadsheets Required)" Overwhelmed by rows, spacing, and frost dates? Let's ditch the stress and plant a veggie garden that actually works! In this laugh-filled chat, we unpack golden nuggets from Petit Garden Paradise's Veggie Garden Planning Guide, including: • "Plot hacks" for tiny spaces (yes, you can grow zucchini on a balcony). • Companion planting combos that repel pests and boost flavor. • How to avoid rookie mistakes (trust us, we've made them all). • Low-effort veggies for busy humans (because life's too short for fussy plants). Spoiler: Your garden doesn't need to be Pinterest-perfect—just yours. Let's grow food, not frustration! Listen now, then grab your trowel! Full blog post: petitgardenparadise.com/how-to-plan-a-vegetable-garden/ Garden Planner Notion Template: https://payhip.com/b/CuXHx Free Master Plant List Notion Template: https://payhip.com/b/YbqUI "Homegrown tomatoes taste like sunshine. Let's get you there."