My girlfriend is 5 days late on her period and is not
From https://www.justanswer.com/ythealth JustAnswer Customer: hi, my girlfriend is 5 days late on her period and is not showing any signs of pregnancy, also she is not feeling like her period is coming, if you could just give me some advice on what we should do, I would greatly appreciate it! JustAnswer Customer: Thank you Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): Hello! Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): My name is* and I will be happy to assist you today. Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): 1) She needs to take a pregnancy test. Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): if she got pregnant during the last cycle, it would be positive by now. Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): if the test is negative, it is unlikely that she is pregnant. Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): 2) The other possibility is that she has had an annovulatory period. Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): Think of Estrogen as 'bricks' and progesterone as 'mortar'. Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): Basically, each month her uterine lining builds up with estrogen (bricks). Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): this lining is then maintained during ovulation by the tissue that released the egg via progesterone (mortar). Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): When this tissue stops secreting progesterone (egg not fertilized), the bricks fall down and she has your period. Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): If she had a cycle where she did not release an egg, the progesterone is never released and she can have a slow buildup of 'bricks' with no mortar, causing no bleeding . Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): This most often resolves on its own within a cycle or two. Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): It is not abnormal and does not need a doctor's visit at this point. Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): Even after you accept, you can ask followup questions! Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): Thank you! Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): Best Wishes, Doctor AJ JustAnswer Customer: Thank you, * * appreciate it! JustAnswer Customer: Here is some more info about the situation, we had sex on the end of her last period and I used a condom,(excuse me for being really personal), but I did not ejaculate at all. JustAnswer Customer: That period that we did have sex after, that period was also 3 days late. Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): While condoms are not perfect, it seems more likely she is simply late like last cycle and not pregnant. Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): that being said, a pregnancy test is cheap and would be positive at this point if she was pregnant so I definitely recommend it. Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): Best Wishes, Doctor AJ JustAnswer Customer: what then could be causing the period to be this late then? JustAnswer Customer: Is that explained in the first answer? Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): annovulation is one possibility (as explained above) The other possibility is that she ovulates irregularly -- which can lead to irregular periods (some coming early, some coming later) Last possibility is pregnancy but again this SEEMS less likely given the information you provided. Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): Best Wishes, Doctor AJ JustAnswer Customer: ok, thank you! JustAnswer Customer: another question, is it true that pre-ejaculate can cause prenancy? JustAnswer Customer: How long do you think that her period is going to take before starting Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): I would be happy to answer this question but this is a different question from your initial question. Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): I will be more than happy to answer this after you accept my previous answers. Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): Thank you. Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): To answer your other questions: 1) Yes, pre-ejaculate CAN cause pregnancy (typically there is a small amount of sperm in pre-ejaculate which is why it can cause pregnancy). Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): 2) This is a tough one to answer -- if she is irregular, it may be in the next few days. Dr. Zach: OB/GYN (Doctor): but if she did not ovulate the last cycle (annovulation) -- she may have just skipped her period this month but will get it again next month. Pearl Wilson: Assistant: If you have a health question and want to chat with a doctor now, visit justanswer.com/ythealth