#2 Add BNB / USDT / EQE to TW MM

#2 Add BNB / USDT / EQE to TW MM

Easy and Entertaining Instructions on how easy it is to add Tokens to either Metamask or Trustwallet Enjoy! 0:24 We'll show you how to purchase BNB in Metamask - and Swap to USDT. 0:37 Pre-Enrollment Requires Three Things - 1. Purchase $35 of BNB (the extra above $28 gives you extra to cover transaction and gas fees). 2. Swap $30 of BNB for USDT - (this will cover the $28 R.E.A.L. cost). 3. Add EQUIIUS 'E' native PlatformToken to your wallet. 1:16 How to purchase BNB. 1:36 Payment method. 1:49 Get Quotes (the going-rates of Crypto) 2:00 Continuing with Transak (Payment Processor).- "Buy Now". 2:48 Select Credit/Debit Card - "Agree", and "Confirm" (Payment Authorization). 3:28 KYC? 3:45 Swapping BNB for USDT. 4:25 Enter crypto amount as a Decimal. 4:44 Get Quotes. (This is where you can see the different Payment Processor fees - choose one). 5:10 After Swap - Tips. 5:33 Add EQE! - A MUST SEE section from here to end - b/c EQE is How we send you YOUR MONEY. 6:09 Go to - https://Get-REAL.io - to copy the EQE address. Here is is for your convenience: EQE Contract Address -- 0x60B097087722D934fB45084D1E8E683Dcd6C246c 6:46 Add Custom Token (in Metamask first - then Trust wallet). 7:07 Import Tokens - Add Custom Token - Paste EQE Contract Address - Click on Import - DONE! 7:47 Add EQE to Trust wallet. 8:02 Click on Manage Crypto - Change network - Click plus sign in upper right hand corner - Paste EQE Contract Address - Click on "Import". DONE! 8:32 You will need to add or import EQE to every wallet Account you create! 8:41 GUARDIIAN Wallet has all of this already built-in - - so you don't have to do anything! 8:55 You're Now Ready To REGISTER!