May 5TH 2024 Fasting Challenge, Accountability Updates / OMAD / OPAD / 2PAD / Animal Based
This is May 5TH 2024 Fasting Challenge, Accountability Updates / OMAD / OPAD / 2PAD / with fasting and trying some Animal-Based and Carnivore eating days. See Mays 2024 Fasting Challenge video for full details on Mays challenge. • Mays 2024 Fasting Challange / OMAD / ... ########FAST AT YOUR OWN RISK######## Consult your drug dealing doctor before fasting....... This plan is to help those who are gorgers. Let's see what the Queen Bee has come up with. She is pretty smart that's why she is the Queen Bee. Plus she spits outs lots of baby bees. Accountability Month My stats and plan are in the video. STEP ONE for Mays 2024 Challenge, Tell me you're in, in the YouTube comment section, with your stats, Age, height, weight or whatever your comfortable with. STEP TWO share your goals, like weight, specific diet, exercise frequency, eating style, fasting goals etc Keeping a certain consistent frequency goal will help you reach your main goal. I will be posting a Youtube Video on May 1st, and then one every Sunday Night after that, on May 5th, May 12th, May 19, May 26th. Your job is too comment in the comment section, after each video, your progress on whatever goal you set and how you did, or what you could of done better. Anything like that. Just be consistent even if you mess up, just fall forward and keep going and be consistent more times the video and then not. OTHER FASTING CHANNEL STEPS: Step 1. Watch Mays Video challenge called Mays 2024 Fasting Challange / OMAD / OPAD / 2PAD / Fasting 1 to 5 days a week. Accountability Month. • Mays 2024 Fasting Challange / OMAD / ... Step 2. Download the LIFE FASTING TRACKER and join The Fasting Beehive Circle https://lifefastingtracker.app.link/C... so we can see everyone fasting hours. Step 3. Join the Facebook group called The Fasting BeeHive. / 1055880705497831 Say high on the group message page. Ill then add you to the group messenger chat to talk live with everyone. Here is the fakebook messenger link https://m.me/ch/AbbnM7sHlwOi7pf_/ Step 4. Join my YouTube channel. @TheFastingBeeHive / @thefastingbeehive Check out my other Youngstown Ohio and Beyond food review channel called FatBassterds @FatBassterds I learned the Basics of OMAD from Joe Holman and his O-MAD Revolution YouTube channel but added some tweaks. His viedo is How to Eat One Meal a Day (O-MAD) - The Advanced Weight Loss Plan for 2023 (and Beyond) video. I added this video down below. • How to Eat One Meal a Day (OMAD) - Th... @OMADRevolution Jerome from finally fasting. He gave me the idea for the accountability section. He has his own May 2024 challenge called Community Fasting Challenge for the Month of May: 65-Hour Rolling Water Fasts @FinallyFasting Paul Saladinos Channel @PaulsaladinomdAnimal Based 101 video • Dr. Paul Saladino's Animal-Based Diet... #animalbased #meatandfruit #onemealaday ,#omad #omadfasting #opad #TimeRestrictedEating, #intermittentfasting , #EatStopEat, #TimFerrissOMAD, #EatPrayLoveOMAD, #onemealaday #OneMealADayPodcast, #omad #weightloss #EnergyBoost, , #MentalClarity, #SkinHealth, #SleepImprovement, #Detoxification, #Autophagy, #HungerManagement, #omad, #KetoOMAD, #onemealaday, #OMADforBusyPeople, #OMADforWomen, #OMADforMen, #OMADOver50, #OMADwithDiabetes, #OMADonYouTube, #OneMealaDayRecipes #OneMealADayMealPrep, #WhatToEatForOneMealADay, #OneMealADayGroceryList, #OneMealADayMotivation, #OneMealADayResults, #OneMealADayBeforeAndAfter, #OneMealADayHealthBenefits #carnivorechallenge #carnivore , #carnivorediet #animalbased #carnivoredietforbeginners, #carnivoredietweightloss, #carnivoredietresults, #carnivorediettips, #carnivoredietsuccessstories, #carnivoredietbenefits, #carnivorelifestyle, #carnivoredietplan, #carnivorefood, #carnivorecommunity, #carnivoremeals, #carnivoreketo, #carnivorehealth, #carnivorefitness, #carnivoreweightloss, #carnivoretransformation, #carnivoremealprep, #carnivorechallenge, #carnivoreinspiration, #carnivorejourney, #carnivorelife, #carnivorewayoflife, #IntermittentFasting, #FastingBenefits, #HowToFastingForBeginners, #WhatToEatWhileFasting, #DifferentTypesOfFasting, #BreakingAFast, #SideEffectsOfFasting, #IsFastingSafeForMe, #FastingForWeightLoss, #FastingForAutophagy, #FastingForMentalClarity, #fasting #FastingChallenges, #ReligiousFasting, #FastingTipsAndTricks, #MyFastingJourney, #fastingforweightloss #FastingQandA, #FastingAppsAndTools, #MythbustingFasting, #16_8Fasting, #OMADFasting, #WaterFasting, #DryFasting, #KetoFasting, #AlternateDayFasting, #FastingInRamadan, #FastingForLent, #FastingForYomKippur, #FastingForDetox, #FastingForEnergy, #FastingForSleep, #FastingForSkinHealth, #FastingForBeardGrowth, #FastingForMuscleGain, #FastingForAthletes, #FastingForWomen, #FastingForMen, #FastingForOver50s, #FastingForBeginnersOver40, #FastingRecipes, #FastingHacks, #FunnyFastingMoments, #FastingMotivation,