*2025 RESET* ✨ vision board tutorial + how to plan for the new year 🪩 aesthetic planning + goals

*2025 RESET* ✨ vision board tutorial + how to plan for the new year 🪩 aesthetic planning + goals

One thing I've ALWAYS done with each New Year's Eve is plan out my goals and aspirations for the new year using a vision board! I found that making "goals" or "ideas" for myself instead of hard New Year's Resolutions has helped tremendously with my personal growth throughout the year! ✨ Here I explain how i create my vision board (or prayer/manifestation board) using Pinterest & Procreate on my iPad. I also explain how I'm staying organized in the new year as a content creator with my planner and calendar! 🪩 Pinterest board for vision board pictures: 🪩https://www.amazon.com/shop/influence... Links: ✨ Instagram/Tiktok/Lemon8: @ash.kelle ✨ Pinterest: @ashlynkelle ✨ email: ashlynbrooke9889@gmail ✨ management: [email protected] ✨ Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/influence...