Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Compendium Hardcover Vol 1 By Kevin Eastman Review!
Cowabunga dudes! Today we take a look at the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Compendium Volume One by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird! It’s time to travel back to the '80s with the Turtles and discover where it all started. This collection of Mirage Studios’ issues 1–7 and 9–14; the Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Leonardo Micro-Series one-shots; Fugitoid 1; and Tales of TMNT 1–5 is perfect for new readers trying to learn more about the Turtles or longtime fans returning to the classics. Witness for yourself iconic moments in TMNT history. Watch as Splinter unveils the mystery of the Turtles' past, and then cheer along as the brothers do battle with the villainous Shredder for the very first time. Joining co-creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird are contributors Michael Dooney, Ryan Brown, Jim Lawson, Steve Bissette, and Eric Talbot. #tmnt #teenagemutantninjaturtlescompendium #tmntcompendium #compendium #tmntcompendiumvolumeone #teenagemutantninjaturtlescompendiumvolumeone #peterlaird #kevineastman #tmntthelastronin #thelastronin #teenagemutantninjaturtlesthelastronin #teenagemutantninjaturtlescomic #tmntcomics #thelastroninhaedcover #thelastroningraphicnovel #graphicnovel #hardcover #idwpublishing #idwcomics #comic #comics #comicbook #comicbooks #comicbookreview #review #ninjaturtles #toys #actionfigures #turtlepower #leonardo #donatello #raphael #neca #cowabunga #toycollector #toyphotography #art #tmntcollector #comics #shredder #turtles #michelangelo #tmnttoys #rottmnt #vintagetoys #tmntleo #marvel #tmntdonnie #tmntmikey #stoys #tmntraph #nickelodeon #caseyjones #retro #heroesinahalfshell #transformers Welcome to DROCK STEADY REVIEWS! On this channel I review Omnibus and other Collected Editions weekly. THE BIGGER THE COMIC BOOK THE BETTER! I will ALWAYS give my honest opinion on anything I review. This channel recognizes the artist’s and writers that provide us with these tremendous stories and artwork. We keep it simple for newcomers to the hobby. Subscribe for weekly content! Excelsior! Video Editor for @gemmintcollectibles give him a sub! / gemmintcollectibles Check Out Our Amazing Sponsor: Organic Priced Books https://organicpricedbooks.com/DROCK Use Promo Code: "DROCK" to get $2.00 off every purchase. the BEST place to get Omnibus and other Collected Editions! Amazing customer service and Bulletproof Packaging! Join the OPB Family today! Check out the community: @TheComicBookReport / thecomicbookreport @NERDXCORE / nerdxcore @HardcoreGraveyard / hardcoregraveyard416 @organicpricedbooks / organicpricedbooks