Reacting to Rampart's RETURN SCENE!! The Bad Batch "3x12"
Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3 Episode 12: Juggernaut Welcome back to Zoned In! In today's video, Kevin and Luis react to episode 12 of Star Wars Bad Batch Season 3!! In episode 12 titled "Juggernaut", we get the Bad Batch again, with Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair (Dee Bradley Baker) planning to find a way to get back in contact with Omega (Michelle Ang) after she willingly surrendered to go back to Mount Tantiss with Clone X and Dr. Hemlock (Jimmi Simpson). After reconnecting with Phee (Wanda Sykes) and AZ, they used her ship to track down Rampart, (Noshir Dalal) one of the Bad Batch's worst enemies to get more information on the whereabouts of Mount Tantiss. They fly over to a labor camp where Rampart is imprisoned, and they track down the turbo tank that is transporting him, taking down all the stormtroopers. After a serious fight to escape from the planet, The Bad Batch is running through a bridge, all while taking out a rival turbo tank in their way! Once they take it down, they go to a cliffside where they get shot by clone transport ships! Phee Genoa swoops in just in time to take everyone to safety. When we try to get more information from Rampart, it appears he doesn't know the location but actually knows someone who does. Meanwhile, Omega is getting her blood drawn from Emerie (Keisha Castle-Hughes) when the results are good for Hemlock. He takes Omega to the vault, where the other children are stationed at. They left us with a grim ending, but we can't wait to see next week's episodes! We hope you enjoyed this week's! Want to watch the full reaction to this episode and also watch more of our reactions and other content like gaming and vlogs etc??? Click here to see our main page or search for Zoned In!! Main Channel - / zonedin FULL VIDEO: • The Bad Batch 3x12 REACTION!! "Jugger... If you enjoyed today's reaction, be sure to like and subscribe for more! If you have any suggestions, let us know in the comments below! Please help us get to our NEXT goal of 2000 SUBS!! SUBSCRIBE HERE!! - / @zonedin Check out our 2nd Channel! (Zoned In Shorts) / @zonedinshorts6112 TikTok Zoned In - https://www.tiktok.com/@zoned.inyt?la... Instagram's Zoned In - / yt.zonedin #StarWars #DisneyPlus #ZonedIn #TheBadBatch