8/28/22 10:30 am – 12th Sunday after Pentecost – Wake Up! – Revelation 3:1-6
8/28/22 10:30 am – 12th Sunday after Pentecost – Wake Up! – Revelation 3:1-6 Please go to our online Friendship Register if you were able to join us for online worship https://forms.gle/wFHvVvTqG9ukEAk38 or Text your names and the date to (920) 362-7118 or (920) 949-1038. In-Person Worship register here https://forms.gle/pWga2eyCnFb8Xnkt8 Announcements for the week - Online Version https://mzluth.org/weekly-announcements/ Permission to podcast/stream the music and liturgy in this service obtained from One License with license #A-725297 --------- The Season The Sundays after Pentecost focus on how Christians live in response to all that God has done for us. Our series now focuses on The Believer Has Faith… The Sunday True treasure is faith in the promises of God—no matter how difficult they seem to believe. The Verse of the Day defines that treasure well: sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not yet see. The followers of Christ find true treasure in trusting God’s promises. ------- First Lesson: Haggai 1:12-14 Judah had returned from exile at the gracious working of the hand of the Lord. Yet their first priority was to rebuild personal wealth rather than rebuild the house of the Lord for the coming of the Messiah. They labored, but the treasure they sought dropped through a “purse with a hole in it.” With the Lord’s salvation at hand, the people were to prepare for the coming of the Messiah. By the power of the Spirit, the Lord redirects our eyes to look for him as we prepare our hearts for his coming again. Second Lesson: Revelation 3:1-6 All the outward signs of living faith could be seen in Sardis, but the truth revealed the dead and dying. Wake up from the sleep of spiritual apathy before judgment comes like a thief in the night. Join the remnant of the faithful that has been preserved and will be forever acknowledged before the Father. Gospel: Luke 12:32-40 After heaping up a number of warnings in Chapter 12, Jesus called on his disciples to “Seek his kingdom and all these things will be given to you as well.” Setting aside the decaying decadence of the world, the flock has nothing to fear, for God has promised that he has already given us the kingdom. Some days that is a very hard promise to believe as we walk the way of the cross. But trusting that promise of God brings real treasure and a deep longing for Christ to come. ------- New NO FEE electronic giving.* https://myvanco.vancopayments.com/cgi...