33 Governor Generals and Viceroys memorized in 10 minutes | Timeline method for Modern History
Continuing the High Yield Topic series Dinesh sir will cover one of the most important topics from Modern History (covers 1/5th of Prelims paper)- Governor Generals and Viceroys of British India. Click here https://bit.ly/cd_yt to download PDFs of probable questions for Prelims and discuss 60 days Prelims strategy with Dinesh sir -- Join Mission Nikaalo Prelims 2023 for FREE: https://bit.ly/cd_NikaaloPrelims | 60 days, 10 MCQs Daily covering 600 Most probable themes What more?? You will also get - Daily Prelims Spotlight PDFs, Daily YouTube, and Telegram LIVE sessions, and Daily MCQ Tests. -- trick to remember viceroys and governor general of india memorize viceroys of india memorize governor general of india modern history for upsc prelims modern history for upsc Live UPSC class upsc preparation live free upsc preparation free upsc prelims 2023 preparation free ias preparation most probable topics for upsc prelims important topics for upsc prelims 2023 ---- Download the Civilsdaily UPSC IAS Prep App and begin your UPSC Preparation: 👉 https://bit.ly/cd_android Subscribe to the "Civilsdaily IAS" Channel: 👉    / @civilsdailyapp  ---- #upsc #ias #civilsdaily #aspirants #ips #freematerial #freecourse #freeupscclass #freeupscpreparation #ifs #upscaspirants #upscias #upscmotivation #iasinterview #ias2023 #upsc2023 #upscpattern #upscprelims2023 #upscstrategy #upscstrategy2023 #upsctoppers #iasaspirant #upsc2023 #upscsyllabus #upscmistakes #iasprelims #iasprelims2023 #freeUPSC #upscprelims2022 #prelims2022 #mcq #upscmcq #telegram #youtubelive #youtubelivestream #importanttopics #mostprobableupsctopics #modernhistory #modernhistoryforupsc #viceroys #governorgeneralofindia