Reactors Reacting to THE RIDE OF THE ROHIRRIM | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Subscribe for more: https://www.youtube.com/c/reacttv1?su... ----- 0:00 Intro 0:03 EOM Reacts / @eomreacts 1:08 Addie Counts / @addiecounts 2:24 Reelin' with Asia and BJ / @reelinwithasiaandbj1 3:07 Kahla Reacts / @kahlareacts 4:21 The Cocoa Couch / @thecocoacouch 5:49 The Media Knights / @officialmediaknights 7:22 Spartan & Pudgey / @spartanandpudgey 8:48 Rob Squad Movie Reactions / @robsquadmoviereactions 10:12 Magic Magy / @magicmagy 11:37 Liala Naema / @lialanaema 13:03 The Perfect Mix / @theperfectmixx 14:38 Jyn x Ryl / @jynxryl 15:48 Wadumin / @wadumin 17:25 Cinema Gek / @cinemagek 18:54 Mair & Sophie / @mairsophie 19:37 ANGELINA / @angelinaa ----- #firsttimewatching #moviereactions #reactionvideos #moviereaction #reactionvideo ---- The great charge of the Rohirrim at the Pelennor Fields, when King Théoden and his Rohan army arrive to aid Gondor in their battle against the Mordor armies.