(Learn Korean Language - Conversation I) 1. Hello, Goodbye, Thanks, I'm sorry 안녕하세요. 안녕히 가세요.
The "Super thanks" feature has been opened on our channel Our team can make better lectures with your small support We have Christine's Korean course, and Emma's new Korean basic course is also being released this year in 2022 We recommend this new course [ Fun Fun Korean Conversation I ] 1 Hello, Goodbye, 안녕하세요 안녕히 가세요 2 I'm Christine" 나는 크리스틴입니다 3 Location, Direction, 어디 있어요?, 방향, 앞에, 옆에 4 Do you have~, give me ~, How much ~ 있어요? 주세요 얼마에요? 5 At the restaurant, order expression 식당 표현, 음식 주문, 음식 맛 평가 6 Shopping, My i try ~, 쇼핑 표현, 입어봐도 되요?, 마음에 들어요 7 Appointment, Time, What time? Do you have time? 약속 잡기, 시간 표현 8 Taking a Taxi, Fee 택시 타기, ~가 주세요, 요금 지불 9 Taking a subway, exit, transfer 지하철 타기, 출구 묻기, 갈아타기 10 Four seasons, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter 계절, 봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울 표현 [ Fun Fun Korean Conversation II] 1 Introducing oneself, Name, How long, 자기소개, 내 이름은 2 Introducing family, Father, Mother 가족 소개, 부모님, 형제 자매 3 Turn left, Turn right - Direction 방향, 옆에, 앞에, 오른쪽, 왼쪽 4 At the movie theater, ticket, seat 극장에서, 티켓 구매, 자리 찾기 5 Ordering fast food, hamburger, coke 패스트 푸드점에서 주문하기 6 Spicy, sweet, salty, delicious At the restaurant 짜다 맵다 달다 맛있다 7 Shopping, How much is it? 물건 구매하기, 얼마에요? 8 Making an appointment 약속잡기 9 Asking phone numbers 전화번호 물어보기 10 "Happy Birthday" 생일 축하 표현 [Jenny's Korean - Korean alphabet, reading, basic grammar] [TOPIK Lectures] Learning Korean is learning Korean culture If you learn seemile Korean, you will understand Kpop lyrics without translation, and you will be able to watch Korean dramas and movies without subtitles I understand and feel the songs of the Bulletproof Boys (BTS) Start learning with Korean with "seemile Korean" The "seemile Team" also released app to learn Chinese (Mandarin) → "seemile Chinese" app android → "seemile Chinese" iPhone(iPad) app