엄마의 김밥이 맛있는이유! Mom's♥ kimbap!#엄마 #김밥 #healthy #mom #momlife
엄마가 어릴 적 만들어주신 김밥처럼 너무나 맛있는 이유는 아마도 정성과 사랑이 담겨 있기 때문일 거예요 손수 준비한 신선한 재료들과, 오랜 시간 동안 가족을 위해 쌓아온 요리 경험이 더해져 특별한 맛을 내는 것 같아요 또한, 엄마만의 비법과 손맛이 더해져 그 어떤 곳에서도 맛볼 수 없는 소중한 추억의 맛을 만들어 주는 것 같습니다 엄마의 ♥ing 김밥 재료: 로메인 상추 우엉조림 어묵조림 당근볶음 계란지단 단무지 소금과 참기름으로 간을 한 밥 재료 준비: 상추를 씻어 물기를 뺍니다 우엉을 얇게 썰어 간장, 설탕, 물에 졸여 우엉조림을 만듭니다 어묵을 길쭉하게 썰어 간장, 설탕, 물에 볶아 어묵조림을 만듭니다 당근을 채 썰어 볶아 당근볶음을 만듭니다 계란을 풀어 얇게 부친 후 길게 썰어 계란지단을 만듭니다 단무지를 길게 썹니다 밥에 소금과 참기름을 넣어 간을 합니다 The reason why the gimbap my mom made when I was young is so delicious is probably because it's filled with mom's love and care The fresh ingredients she carefully prepared, combined with her years of cooking experience for the family, create a unique and special flavor Additionally, her personal touch and secret techniques contribute to a taste that can't be found anywhere else, making it a cherished memory Mom's ♥ing gimbap recipe: Ingredients: - Romaine Lettuce - Seasoned burdock root (우엉조림) - Seasoned fish cake (어묵조림) - Stir-fried carrots (당근볶음) - Egg strips (계란지단) - Pickled radish (단무지) - Rice seasoned with salt and sesame oil Instructions: 1 Prepare the Ingredients: - Wash and dry the lettuce - Make seasoned burdock root (우엉조림) by slicing burdock root and simmering it in soy sauce, sugar, and water until tender - Make seasoned fish cake (어묵조림) by cutting fish cake into strips and stir-frying them with soy sauce, sugar, and water - Stir-fry carrots (당근볶음) until they are tender - Make egg strips (계란지단) by beating eggs, cooking them in a thin layer in a pan, and then cutting them into strips - Prepare pickled radish (단무지) by cutting it into long strips - Season cooked rice with salt and sesame oil to taste 2 Assemble the Gimbap: - Place a sheet of seaweed (김) on a bamboo mat - Spread a thin, even layer of the seasoned rice on the seaweed, leaving about an inch of seaweed at the top edge - Layer lettuce, seasoned burdock root, seasoned fish cake, stir-fried carrots, egg strips, and pickled radish on top of the rice 3 Roll the Gimbap: - Starting from the bottom edge, use the bamboo mat to tightly roll the gimbap away from you - Apply gentle pressure to ensure the roll is tight and the ingredients are well-packed 4 Cut and Serve Enjoy! Overall, this gimbap delivers a well-rounded combination of taste and nutrition #홈베이킹 #집밥 #레시피 #사랑 #특별한 #음식 #건강 #우엉 #도시락 #점심 #맛있는 #homemade #recipe #love #gimbap #kimbap #koreanfood #special #food #foodlover #cooking #family #momscooking #nutrition#carrot #rice #ricerecipe #fishcake #lunch #lunchbox #tasty