(Learn Korean, 유용한 한국어 표현) Korean expression 3 "가을"에 관련된 단어와 표현법을 알아보아요.
Hello everyone, This is about another Korean expression of autumn There are some useful expressions of Autumn You might be complicated with Korean words of colors Use of color words is more complex in Korean than in English In English, a single color word can nearly always be used for multiple different grammatical roles and contexts In Korean, there are various different patterns Specially, we hope you to pick up vocablulary of "red" and " blue" 1 낙엽이 떨어지다 Leaves fall to the ground 2 낙엽을 밟다 I am stepping on the dried leaves 3 낙엽이 바스락거리다 /바스락 거리는 소리 The dried leaves making rustling and crunching sounds 4 붉다/빨갛다 붉다 origin "불(fire) and 밝다 (to be bright/light) We ofthen use this word 붉다 for poetic expression than 빨갛다 빨갛다 can be 빨간(adjcetive,ㅎ dropped out ㅎ irregular conjugation)+색 붉은 노을/ 단풍이 붉게 물들었어요 빨간 원피스/ 빨간 립스틱 5 푸르다/파랗다 파랗다(from "파라", from unknown origin) = blue Sometimes, like in "파란 불 (green lights)" in traffic lights, "파랗다" also limitedly means green 푸르다(from 풀("grass")) = green, or blue Examples: 푸른 산 = green mountain 푸른 강물 = blue river water 푸른 하늘 = blue sky 안녕하세요 여러분 가을 표현 세번째입니다 가을 표현 두번째에서 세번째로 가속도를 높혀봅니다 여러분, 색깔 표현들 헷갈리시죠? 오늘 붉다/빨갛다/푸르다/파랗다 Thank you for watching