Christmas Eve Worship Service at Windsor Chapel 2021

Christmas Eve Worship Service at Windsor Chapel 2021

Join us in person or online this Friday, December 24, at 7:00 pm, as we joyously celebrate the birth of Christ with beautiful music, Scripture readings and meaningful reflections, highlighted by our traditional candle lighting service. The entire service is streaming live on December 24, 2021 from Windsor Chapel starting at 7:00 pm. Invite your family, friends and neighbors! As per CDC and state guidelines, masks and social distancing are no longer required for those who have been fully vaccinated. Masks are encouraged, but not required, for those who have not been fully vaccinated. You can also listen to the service live from our parking lot on FM radio station 88.9 starting at 7:00 pm. Our address is 401 Village Road East, West Windsor, NJ 08550.