Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons | SimplyStories | Read Along Stories
Let’s turn the pages and let our imaginations soar! Are you excited? Let’s go! Get ready for some groovy adventures! Click to join Pete on his fun-filled journeys! • Read Along | Pete the Cat and the Sur... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join along as we read a new story together! Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons Written by: Eric Litwin Pete the Cat is wearing his favorite shirt—the one with the four totally groovy buttons. But when one falls off, does Pete cry? Goodness, no! He just keeps on singing his song—after all, what could be groovier than three groovy buttons? Count down with Pete in this rocking new story from the creators of the bestselling Pete the Cat books. Publisher : HarperCollins; Illustrated edition (May 1 2012) ISBN-10 : 0062110586 ISBN-13 : 978-0062110589 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🎉 Subscribe for more videos! / @justsimplystories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🎶 Listen to more stories on Spotiify! https://open.spotify.com/show/11B4Ztl... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~