Resident Evil 2 (2019) W. Birkin G2 Minimal Ammo/Heal Attempt (Claire 1st Run - Hardcore)
After losing almost my entire ammunition and heals, I kept practicing G2 Birkin again to come out on top with absolute minimal healing items and ammo. This was one of my best attempts although did manage to beat him with two heals and no ammo one time, didn't record it. Wanted to post this for myself first to remember how I did it and then for people who are trying and failing like I did many many times. I still can't consistently beat him but had some close calls, my attempt toll's probably something like 5 succesful attempts out 15 (had to reset a lot). Anyways, hope this helps or entertains you and thanks for watching. 00:00 Puzzle Solution 00:11 Dodge first claw 00:16 Dodge every claw attack (hug the wall) 01:06 Hallway part 01:25 Boss fight begins 02:04 First crane 03:02 Second crane 03:51 Third crane 04:02 Success 04:24 Cleanup and end Tags or whatever: #residentevil2remakeclaire #residentevil2remake #residentevil2 #residentevil2g2birkin #survivalhorror #horror #horrorgaming #survivalhorrorgaming #zombies