Giant REWIND Musical in REAL LIFE w/ Sofie Dossi, Merrell Twins, Piper Rockelle, Brianna and Rebecca
Rebecca Zamolo performs a musical with her best friends to save YouTube channels. Rebecca Zamolo spent 24 hours tricking Maddie's ex crush for 24 Hours Challenge! Matt and Rebecca then uploaded Matt found texting his Crush in 24 Hour Song Challenge. The Game Master network realized that we can't stop RZ twin when searching for missing gem battle royale. Rebecca and her best friends must put on a giant Youtube rewind musical to stop Kingpin from hacking the super computer. Kingpin wants to hypnotize other youtube channels including Sofie Dossi, Merrell Twins, Piper rockelle, and Brianna. The girl YouTubers team up in a zoom call to deactivate phase 1. Rebecca and Maddie perform the Among us in real life music video while Matt uses the red reactivator on RZ Twin. It turns into a battle royale and he must escape the RHS hospital. When Rebecca returns to rescue her twin she is helped by other youtubers to deactivate the first step of the firewall. Daniel and Maddie along with Matt’s best friend are able to distract kingpin in this good vs evil battle. Before they perform the last and final song, Daniel has the worst time so RZ twin helps out by hacking from inside the house. Can they stop Kingpin in time or will everyone get hypnotized? Thanks for watching my funny entertainment mystery vlog videos in 2020! Thanks to my friends for being in this! Sofie Dossi / sofiedossi Merrell Twins / merrelltwins Piper Rockelle / @piperrockelle Brianna / @briannayt More awesome videos! 123 Go! FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL || Good Girl vs Bad Girl! Back to School Awkward Situations • FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL || Good Girl vs B... Norris Nuts - THE BABIES WERE LEFT ALONE. YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT THEY DID hidden camera • THE BABIES WERE LEFT ALONE. YOU WON'T... Crafty Panda - Hot VS Cold Challenge || Girl on FIRE vs ICY Girl Pranks & Funny Situations • Hot VS Cold Challenge || Girl on FIRE... Ben Azelart - LAST TO LEAVE TRAMPOLINE TOWER WINS $10,000 • LAST TO LEAVE TRAMPOLINE TOWER WINS $... The Game Master Network App Apple Store https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id15195... Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... ▶ Get ZamFam merch! http://www.rebeccazamolo.com Rebecca Zamolo Social Media Instagram / TikTok / rebeccazamolo Twitter / rebeccazamolo Facebook / rebecca.zamolo