야바위 천재 고양이가 있다? There's a genius cat about hit and miss game!
야바위 천재 고양이가 있다? 빠루가 엄청 잘 맞추기는 하지만 간식을 먹지는 못하네요 일하는놈 있고 노는 놈 따로있다더니 역시나 귀여운 썬더와 빠루의 야바위놀이! 재밌게 봐주세요~ There's a genius cat about hit and miss game! Paru find out very easily, but he can't eat snacks We heard that there are one person who works and who plays There are Thunder and Paru who play "hit and miss game" Please enjoy it! __________________________________________________ 냥이들 프로필 * 빠루(2019 06 15 ) : 수컷, 나폴레옹 먼치킨 숏레그 * 썬더(2019 06 20 ) : 수컷, 랙돌 블루바이 Profile of cats * Paru(2019 06 15 ) : Male, Napoleon Munchkin shortleg * Thunder(2019 06 20 ) : Male, Ragdoll bluebi __________________________________________________ BGM : "Music: ≪ Hey ≫ from Bensound com" "Music: ≪ buddy ≫ from Bensound com" Music from "Crinoline Dreams" by Kevin MacLeod ( License: CC BY (