Reviewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: Exploring the Future of the MCU | This Nerd Life

Reviewing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: Exploring the Future of the MCU | This Nerd Life

In this episode of This Nerd Life, we review the highly anticipated Marvel blockbuster, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, directed by James Gunn. Join us as we explore the film's plot, characters, and themes, and discuss its strengths and weaknesses. We also delve into the future of the MCU and how Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 fits into the larger Marvel universe. Don't miss out on our nerdy insights and predictions! Like, share, and subscribe for more exciting content from This Nerd Life! #guardiansofthegalaxyvol3 #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy #GOTG #StarLord #Gamora #Drax #RocketRaccoon #Groot #Yondu #Nebula #MarvelComics #MarvelMovies #MarvelCinematicUniverse #MCU #podcast #review #reviews #film #gaming #playstation #games #tv #movies #superhero #subscribe #DC #funny #new #comics