A Guide to Every Hero Perk in Overwatch 2

A Guide to Every Hero Perk in Overwatch 2

In this video I will be going over every newly-added perk in Overwatch 2. How to use them, which one is better, and how they work. Enjoy! == OW2 Coaching: https://coachspilo.com/coaching Watch Live on Twitch:   / spilo   Discord:   / discord   Coaching Channel:    / @spilo2   Stream VODs:    / @spiloetc   Patreon:   / spilo   TikTok:   / coach_spilo   Instagram:   / coach_spilo   Twitter:   / coach_spilo   Spilo's Band: https://open.spotify.com/artist/07JpQ... == Edited by x.com/Woodkling1 thumbnail by @ryanp652 0:00 Intro 3:30 Dva 5:58 Doomfist 8:27 Hazard 10:57 Junker Queen 13:15 Mauga 16:37 Orisa 20:05 Ramattra 21:48 Reinhardt 26:32 Roadhog 29:00 Sigma 33:15 Winston 40:05 Wrecking Ball 44:10 Zarya 47:00 Ana 50:00 Baptiste 52:18 Brigitte 56:20 Illari 59:12 Juno 1:02:16 Kiriko 1:05:56 Lifeweaver 1:10:00 Lucio 1:12:13 Mercy 1:16:15 Moira 1:19:20 Zenyatta 1:23:40 Ashe 1:26:15 Bastion 1:28:34 Cassidy 1:31:25 Echo 1:33:25 Genji 1:35:00 Hanzo 1:37:50 Junkrat 1:40:00 Mei 1:42:31 Pharah 1:44:38 Reaper 1:46:58 Sojourn 1:48:40 Soldier: 76 1:50:15 Sombra 1:5158 Symmetra 1:53:04 Torbjorn 1:54:20 Tracer 1:55:00 Venture 1:56:54 Widowmaker