Dispersion Effect IN Photoshop | Dispersion effect in 7 minutes!
Asalam.o.alikum Welcome To Youtube Channel Never miss an update! Subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell In this tutorial, you'll learn how to achieve the captivating dispersion effect using Adobe Photoshop. Follow along for a step-by-step guide that simplifies the process, allowing you to create stunning visual effects in just seven minutes. Master the technique easily and add an eye-catching element to your designs or photos with this simple and efficient tutorial. Creating a dispersion effect in Photoshop involves a few key steps: Select an Image: Choose a photo with a subject you want to apply the dispersion effect to. Ensure the subject is clear and distinct. Duplicate the Layer: Duplicate the background layer of your image. This ensures you work non-destructively and can revert to the original if needed. Create Selections: Use selection tools (like the Lasso Tool or Quick Selection Tool) to outline the areas you want to disperse. Ensure a good balance between the subject and background. Refine the Selection: Use tools like Refine Edge or Select and Mask to fine-tune your selection, making it more precise and natural. Apply Mask: Once the selection is ready, add a layer mask to the duplicated layer. This masks out the selected area, making it seem to disperse. Use the Brush Tool: Select a brush with a scattering effect. Adjust brush settings like size, hardness, scatter, and shape dynamics for a varied dispersal effect. Brush Over the Mask: Using the brush tool, paint over the mask of the duplicated layer. This will reveal the dispersion effect, making it seem like the subject is breaking apart. Adjust Opacity and Blending: Fine-tune the dispersion effect by adjusting the layer's opacity and experimenting with different blending modes to make it more realistic. Add Details: Use smaller brushes to add finer details to the dispersion effect, mimicking smaller particles or fragments. Final Touches: Make final adjustments to colors, contrast, or lighting to ensure the effect blends seamlessly with the rest of the image. facbook: / retrodesigndelux Facebook Page: / retrodesigndeluxe @RetroDesignDeluxe