किडनी की सूजन कम करने के घरेलु उपाय |home remedies to reduce kidney swelling | creatinine treatment

किडनी की सूजन कम करने के घरेलु उपाय |home remedies to reduce kidney swelling | creatinine treatment

किडनी की सूजन कम करने के घरेलु उपाय |home remedies to reduce kidney swelling | creatinine treatment Friends, we all know that there are two kidneys in the human body, and they are also called the filter plant of the body. It helps to remove waste products and excess fluid from the body through urination. But due to bad eating habits, kidney infection or kidney failure can occur, which causes the kidney to not work properly, and there is swelling in the kidney. That's why today we are going to tell you what home remedies you can do to reduce kidney inflammation, but for this, you have to watch our video completely without skipping because incomplete information about something is of no use, so watch this video to the end…………. To see more such videos related to kidney problems, please subscribe to our channel, as well as press the bell icon so that you can get all the notifications of our channel......... Sometimes due to some infections, inflammation of the kidney occurs, which is called 'glomerulonephritis' in the medical term……… Inflammation of the kidney is a serious problem, due to which its filter becomes inflamed. The kidney filter is made up of very small blood vessels called glomeruli. Dr. Puneet of Karma Ayurveda believes that kidney inflammation should not be taken lightly at all……… Because ignoring it can be dangerous for someone's life. If its symptoms are understood in time, you can also cure kidney inflammation with home remedies. However, in the beginning, there are no serious symptoms of kidney inflammation, but as soon as this problem increases its symptoms also start increasing. If you have a problem with swelling in the kidney, then you can take Ayurvedic treatment for it. The main symptoms that have been seen in the problem of kidney inflammation are as follows. Swelling in many parts of the body Change in urine color Blood in urine Fever and nausea Pain in and around the kidney High blood pressure Now you must have known how to identify the symptoms of kidney inflammation. Now let’s know some home remedies to reduce kidney inflammation. Turmeric Due to both its color and flavor, turmeric makes food tasty and healthy. Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory enzymes and a compound called curcumin, which does not allow any inflammation or pain in the body to increase and prevents the causes of kidney disease from growing. Cinnamon It is a sweet and spicy herb that works to manage the glucose level in the body. Cinnamon is often used in food to control diabetes and inflammation of the kidneys. Garlic An old saying about garlic is that if it had one more quality, it would have become nectar. Health experts say that garlic contains allicin, an antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory medicine. Ginger Ginger is considered effective in the treatment of many diseases. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory elements present in it help remove kidney problems. Gingerols are an antibacterial agent found in ginger. It helps to protect the kidney from infection, as well as helps in reducing inflammation. Therefore, the swelling of the kidney can be reduced by eating roasted ginger and consuming ginger tea in kidney inflammation. Now you must have understood that by sitting at home, you can cure kidney inflammation with home remedies. Along with this, you also need to know that not only diet, but it is very important for you to bring some changes in your lifestyle. By the way, at the beginning of the video, I told you that only a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle could prevent kidney disease from progressing. You should do yoga daily for about 30 to 40 minutes because diet and yoga are important parts of Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the best treatment for any kidney-related problem. We would like to tell you that in the last few decades, Ayurvedic Herbs and Medicines have given new life to thousands of kidney patients by defeating the surgical procedures of Allopathic. If you or any of your family members are suffering from kidney disease, contact Karma Ayurveda and get the solution for every kidney-related problem from Karma Ayurveda. Our address and helpline number is present on your screen, for any information, you can call the given number and take advice from our health expert. Hope you must have liked this video. If yes, then do like and share the video. If you have any questions or suggestions about the video, you must tell us by writing in the comment box. Address: 77 Tarun Enclave, Parwana Rd, Opp. Bhagwan Buddha, Pitampura, Delhi 110034 Call Our Helpline Number: Landline no. 011-42306161 WhatsApp Us +91-9871712050 Website: www.karmaayurveda.in #kidneykisujankamkrnekegheraluupaay #creatininetreatment #kidneytreatment #swellingkidneytreatment #kidneyupchar