9 AP European History Multiple Choice Review Tips: How to Get a 4 or 5 in 2022 | Albert

9 AP European History Multiple Choice Review Tips: How to Get a 4 or 5 in 2022 | Albert

In this video, we will go over nine AP European History tips addressing the multiple-choice questions that will help you score a 4 or 5 on your AP European History exam in 2022. 🖥️ Students: Sign up for your free account on Albert today to start practicing for your next exam: https://www.albert.io/signup?utm_sour... 👩‍🏫 Teachers: Apply to try Albert with your school. Free for 30-days: https://www.albert.io/solutions-blog-... Here is a quick overview of what we go over in this video 9 multiple choice questions review tips: 0:00 - Introduction to 9 AP European History Multiple Choice Review Tips 0:29 - 9 AP European History MCQ Review Tips 1. Pay attention to SOAPSTone 2. Read the title, key, and axes for all charts 3. Pay attention to the clock 4. Attempt to answer every question 5. Use the Process of Elimination 6. Use your writing utensil 7. Use checkmarks 8. Take advantage of chronology 9. Practice Using Albert 7:27 - What to Do Next to Get a 4 or 5 on AP European History 📘 You can review the accompanying blog post to this video here: https://www.albert.io/blog/ap-europea... 🔔 Please like and subscribe if you find this video helpful, and be sure to check watch the first part of this series if you have not already. And if you want extra practice questions, check out Albert's AP European History course here: https://www.albert.io/ap-european-his... Albert has hundreds of AP-aligned practice questions with detailed explanations, as well as original FRQs and full-length practice exams for you to learn by doing. #apeuropeanhistory #apeuro #apeuroexam #apexams #2022apexams *AP® and Advanced Placement® are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.