72-Hour Fruit Fast Can Have a Transformative Impact on Your Body

72-Hour Fruit Fast Can Have a Transformative Impact on Your Body

🌿 Considering a 72-hour fruit fast? This intriguing wellness approach aids in detoxification, boosts energy, and promotes cellular renewal. By the third day, many report improved skin health and a strengthened immune system. While this practice offers potential benefits, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it's suitable for you. Embrace this holistic method for rejuvenation and well-being. 🍎 #wellness #detox #healthyliving #holistichealth #ProfessionalWellness https://www.medindia.net/news/lifesty... About Channel Medindia is a leading online provider of health information, applications and services for consumers, doctors, healthcare professionals globally. Medindia, currently ranks #1 in India / South Asia in terms of traffic in the health category and among the top health sites in the world. Medindia’s content is viewed by over 4 million visitors each month from over 230 countries. Medindia offers almost 1 million pages of trusted health and wellness information including news, special reports, articles, animations, slides, infographics, videos, health directories, drug information, calculators, personalized health record, mobile apps, interactive tools, applications and much more. Social Media Handles: Instagram:   / medindia   Facebook:   / medindia   Twitter:   / medindia   LinkedIn :  / medindia   Tumblr :  / medindia   Languages: Medindia English: https://medindia.net/ Medindia Hindi: https://hi.medindia.net/ Medindia Spanish: https://es.medindia.net/ Medindia Chinese: https://cn.medindia.net/ Script by: Vinitha Graphics videos: canva pro Music: canva and pixabay