![FREE] Camo Type Beat | "Diamonds" | (Prod by 821JINY x prodbyrxger) | (Lil Uzi Type Beat) 카모 타입 비트](https://krtube.net/image/16w3hxfsRzY.webp)
FREE] Camo Type Beat | "Diamonds" | (Prod by 821JINY x prodbyrxger) | (Lil Uzi Type Beat) 카모 타입 비트
Produced by 821JINY x prodbyrxger 96bpm BMajor ● 💽 Purchase this beat (Instant Delivery): https://www.beatstars.com/beat/diamon... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ● 🔥 Let’s hit 1000 subscribers - / @821jiny8 ● 📸 Instagram: 821jiny_ - / 821jiny_ ● 📲 Email: [email protected] 👀 IMPORTANT: This beat is free for non-profit use. Beats that aren't purchase can only be used for YouTube and SoundCloud releases without monetization. If you use it, please credit me (prod. by 821JINY x prodbyrxger) in the title. To make profit off your music and publish your music on all platforms such as Apple Music, Spotify, etc. you must purchase a suitable license. Thank you! #TypeBeat #타입비트 #Camo #카모 #CamoTypeBeat #Synth #SynthTypeBeat #Trap #TrapTypeBeat #RnB #RnBTypeBeat #HipHop #HipHopTypeBeat #감성적인 #감성비트 #감미로운 #신나는 #신나는비트 #Free #무료비트 #2023 #821JINY