Mindset Mastery with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 214: You'd Be Better If You Did

Mindset Mastery with A.Z. Araujo - Episode 214: You'd Be Better If You Did

A new quarter begins today. Are you on track to be head and shoulders above who you were? It takes discipline to commit to the work, the good thing is, nothing about it is hard. Your life can shift much quicker than you think. Committing to improvement each and every day will bleed into other aspects of your life, including relationships. It's a conditioning process that takes time, consistency, and small daily deposits. It's important to focus on making necessary deposits for your health, sense of purpose, and business, and to stop comparing yourself to others. The only comparison you should be doing is within yourself—where you were at vs where you are now—not what others are doing. You never truly know the journey that other person has embarked on, and comparing yourself to them will only hold you back. We all start at different places in life, with different environments that may not position us in a place of power. Remember, what you do today is just a deposit towards your future self. It's up to you to decide if you want to approach this new quarter with hope or expectation. The simple things may seem mundane, but they are the foundation for overcoming the more difficult things. Will you go through it weak or strong? The intentional focus and work that you put in each and every day will lead to success. NOTABLE QUOTES: "The comparison game starts with comparing where you were at, to where you are now, not to what others are doing." "It's up to you to decide if you want to approach this new quarter with hope or expectation." "The simple things may seem mundane, but they are the foundation for overcoming the more difficult things." "The intentional focus and work that you put in each and every day will lead to success." QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER: In what ways do you compare yourself to others, and how does it hold you back? What simple things can you commit to doing each day to build a foundation for success? Are you approaching this new quarter with hope or expectation, and how can you shift your mindset to the latter?