What are the best tropical fruits? 15 exotic types to try
What are the best tropical fruits? 15 exotic types to try. How many of these unusual and exotic fruits can you recognize? (And how many have you actually tried?) Well, it’s definitely not like comparing apples and oranges! Outside of occasional appearances on sci-fi TV shows (as food from other planets, you know), many of these fruits are still a little alien to most people in the US — including the ones actually grown here. Here, see what 15 of these tropical and exotic fruits look like, so you can recognize them the next time you see them on display in the produce aisle at your local gourmet or Asian grocery store. 1. Mangosteen 2. Durian fruit 3. Passion Fruit/Granadilla 4. Rambutan 5. Lychee fruit 6. Pineberries – White strawberries 7. Jackfruit 8. Snake fruit 9. Buddha’s Hand 10. Dragonfruit: White inside 11. Pitaya, aka Dragonfruit: Pink inside 12. Cherimoya/Custard Apple 13. Brazilian Grape Tree 14. Horned Melon/African Cucumber 15. Prickly pear (cactus fruit) #exoticfruits #tropicalfruits #bestfruits