Gospel Reflection - Friday (27 November) – 34th Week of Ordinary Time
The Parable of the Fig Tree Fr Paul reads from Luke’s Gospel (21: 29-33) in which Jesus tells his disciples the parable of the fig tree and, indeed, every tree. Today, Fr Paul says, we have a very short parable through which Jesus, the master, again looks around and uses ordinary everyday things that people are able to understand and identify with to teach important lessons. This parable of the fig tree (and every tree) keeps the listener alert for the coming of the kingdom. We are to watch out, just as we look out for the new buds on the fig and other trees. What Jesus is saying through this parable is that it is a time of renewal for the world, just as there is new growth on the trees. Mindful of this theme of renewal, of being alert and looking for those signs, for our reflection today, Fr Paul asks us to think about two questions: What areas of my life would I like to renew? What areas in my relationship with God would I like to renew? _____________________________________________________________ Follow us St Agnes' Catholic Parish Website: http://stagnesparish.org.au/ With You for Life Video Channel: http://withyouforlife.org.au/ Facebook: / stagnesparishpmq Twitter: / stagnes_parish Instagram: / stagnes_parish