November 27, 2022 – San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish Online Mass - 1st Sunday of Advent
Let Us Put on the Armor of Light As we begin a new liturgical year with the season of Advent, we wish one another a spiritually fruitful New Year! The new liturgical year is an opportunity for us to rediscover the richness of this well-planned series of liturgical events and celebrations, intended for our sanctification. As we start our remote preparation for Christmas, St. Paul exhorts us to get rid of the “deeds of darkness” and to clothe ourselves with the splendor of Christ’s grace. This should motivate all christians to begin this holy season with a clear plan of action and the determination to carry it out faithfully. Today’s First and Second readings offer an encouraging roadmap for a fruitful observance of this year of hope and commitment that is aligned with the exhortations of the Apostle Paul. Read weekly gospel reflections at our website at https://sanlorenzoruizparish.com/ Visit our facebook page at: / sanlorenzoruizparish For FREE Activity Sheets and Learning Tools for Catholic Kids, please visit: https://www.katolago.com/ Thank you for supporting San Lorenzo Ruiz Parish. For your love offerings and donations, please visit: https://sanlorenzoruizparish.com/donate/