#Shorts इस गर्मी  तरबूज़ से भगाये किडनी रोग  | Benefits of Watermelon for Kidney Patients |

#Shorts इस गर्मी तरबूज़ से भगाये किडनी रोग | Benefits of Watermelon for Kidney Patients |

#shorts What are the benefits of eating watermelon? And especially when you are suffering from a kidney ailment.#dietforkidneyfailurepatients Summer is the season of watermelons, which look pretty and taste great. In summer, watermelon is one of the fruits that keep you hydrated and calm. But those who have kidney problems are prohibited from consuming it. Because watermelon is rich in water, it is deemed as an unhealthy fruit for kidney patients. #watermelon One of the job roles of your kidneys is to maintain nutrients and water levels in your body. When a person is diagnosed with any kidney ailment, his kidney cannot work to excrete waste from your body. All these cause water retention that host problems like edema. These are some of the many reasons watermelon is not included in the diet of kidney patients. That is enough linked with watermelon and kidney disease. If you are diagnosed with kidney disease, contact Dr. Puneet, a kidney specialist. His treatment is one hundred percent natural and free from tumultuous methods like dialysis. #kidneypatient More Videos At – किडनी की सूजन कम करने के लिए 7 घरेलू नुस्खे | Kidney Sujan Ke Upay | Gharelu Nuskhe | Dr Puneet    • किडनी की सूजन कम करने के लिए 7 घरेलू ...   अदरक बचाएगा किडनी रोग होने से | Benefits Of Ginger | Kidney Diet | Ginger For Kidneys| Dr Puneet    • अदरक बचाएगा किडनी रोग होने से | Benef...   निम्बू कभी नहीं होने देगा किडनी ख़राब | Lemon In Diet | Lemon For Kidney |Diet For Kidney Patients    • निम्बू कभी नहीं होने देगा किडनी ख़राब ...   #shortsकिडनी​ रोगी होंगे ठीक Dalchini के सेवन से | Cinnamon For Kidney Patients Diet    • #Shorts  किडनी रोगी होंगे  ठीक Dalchi...   Book an Appointment Helpline Number: 011-4777-2777 WhatsApp us: +91-9871712050 [email protected]