Hollywood City Mission Church

Hollywood City Mission Church

▶️ ▶️ Join us live every Sunday Morning at 9am EST for services with dynamic praise and worship and a relevant Word from God that promises to bless your life. **** ▶️ ▶️ New to Hollywood City Mission? For more information, click here: https://hollywoodcitymissionchurch.co... **** ▶️ ▶️ Stay Connected with Hollywood City Mission Church! Website - https://hollywoodcitymissionchurch.com/ Facebook -   / hollywoodcitymission   Instagram -   / hollywoodcitymission   ▶️ ▶️ Be sure to like, share with your friends and family, and to our channel here on YouTube for great weekly content!    / hollywoodcitymissionchurch   **** ▶️ ▶️ At Hollywood City Mission Church, we give with hearts that are grateful for what God has done for us. Partner with our church and help us reach the world through your generosity: https://hollywoodcitymissionchurch.co... **** ▶️ ▶️ Did you pray the salvation prayer? You don't have to go through this faith journey alone. We want to be able to tell you more about the decision that you've made. You can visit: ▶️ ▶️ Visit us in person this weekend at: 6099 Washington St. Hollywood, Florida 33023