Deep Soulful House Session: Building a Groove in 20 Minutes | Part 2

Deep Soulful House Session: Building a Groove in 20 Minutes | Part 2

In the last episode we covered chord progression, drums, bassline and the lead melody and in this episode we will be working the arrangement of the song in 20 minutes so sit back, relax and enjoy the music. LETS CATCH A VIBE!! Just incase you missed part 1 click on the link below:    • Deep Soulful House Session: Building ...   Thank You For All The Comments, Likes And 1K+ Subscribers Liking The Vibe? Hit Us With A Thumbs Up And Subscribe To Our Channel. #SiblingRivalryZA #Deepsoulful #Nostalgia #Deephouse #soulfulhouse #ThankYouFor1000Subscribers