Mysterious Facts about Monalisa penting। मोनालिसा के रहस्यमय बाते #shorts

Mysterious Facts about Monalisa penting। मोनालिसा के रहस्यमय बाते #shorts

The Mona Lisa painting is the most recognizable piece of art in the world. This painting is painted as oil on poplar wood panel. This is probably the most famous painting of the world. It now hangs in the Louvre Museum in Paris(France). The Mysterious Smile of Mona Lisa made this painting a source of fascination. It is the most valuable painting estimated to be worth a $700 million in 2019. In this video we will explore some mysteries and facts about Mona Lisa in Hindi. 0:00 / 5:54 #monalisa #monalisapainting #monalisapaintingnetworth मोना लिसा की तस्वीर के पीछे का गहरा राज़ | Mona Lisa Painting Hidden Secrets in Hindi | Indian Seeker 9.5M views · 1 year ago Filmi Nation 74.3K subscribers Comments • 3,642 Up next 13:20 NIKOLA TESLA BIOGRAPHY IN HINDI | TESLA COIL | INVENTIONS |WIRELESS ELECTRICITY| रहस्मयी वैज्ञानिक GREAT IDEAS GREAT LIFE•2.4M views 8:52 दुनिया की 3 मशहूर तस्वीरों में छुपे है सबसे गहरे राज़ (Hidden Secret inside Famous Paintings Art) The Knowledge•5.4M views 0:37 रेलवे का नया नियम 😱🙄facts in hindi | #factology #enigmatic Fano-fact New 239 views 6:33 ताज़ महल में lights💡क्यूँ नहीं है? | Why there is No Lights in Taj Mahal? | Taj Mahal Unknown Facts🔥 Untold Hindi•5.2M views 13:14 10 Things You Didn't Know About Mona Lisa. PhiloSophic•1.9M views 9:45 MONA LISA की ये बात क्यों किसी को बताई नहीं जाती? Hidden Secrets of Mona Lisa Painting FactBHAI•491K views 5:30 कैमरे में कैद रहस्यमयी मूर्तियां | Mysterious Moving Statues Caught On Camera Prajapati News•4.7M views 6:35 मोनालिसा की 10 रहस्यमयी बातें | Mysteries About Mona Lisa Mystery & Secret Facts•34K views 6:12 7 Time Travel Real incidents in Hindi | Time Travel real cases in Hindi | Historic Hindi Historic Hindi•16M views 5:23 5 दुनिया के सबसे रहस्यमयी और मशहूर तस्वीरे | 5 Most Mysterious & Famous Images Of All Time. Mysterious Hindi.•12M views 5:33 साउथ इंडस्ट्री में अपने दमदार अभिनय के लिए मशहूर अभिनेताओं के ये है रियल लाइफ बेटे और बहू। Bollyjasoos•11M views 6:38 Monalisa painting mein mile ye hidden secret code pt4 Deep Insider•239K views Description मोना लिसा की तस्वीर के पीछे का गहरा राज़ | Mona Lisa Painting Hidden Secrets in Hindi | Indian Seeker Filmi Nation 141K Likes 9,533,759 Views 2021 13 Mar In this video, we talk about the hidden Secrets of the Mona Lisa painting which everyone wants to know. The Mona Lisa is a half-length portrait painting by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. Considered an archetypal masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance, it has been described as "the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world". The painting's novel qualities include the subject's enigmatic expression, the monumentality of the composition, the subtle modeling of forms, and the atmospheric illusionism. Watch the full video to know more. If you love our work then don’t forget to subscribe to the channel. Connect with us: Instagram: Facebook: Questions answered in this video: • Why Mona Lisa is famous • How much is the Mona Lisa worth • What is Mona Lisa famous for • What mona Lisa actually looked like • Mona Lisa Leonardo da Vinci • Mona Lisa painting kisne banai • Mona Lisa mystery in Hindi • Mona Lisa mysterious facts • Mona Lisa mystery behind her smile About us Hello friends, on this channel, we will share Indian stories, Information, Indian Discoveries and many more things. The main purpose of creating this channel is to share the achievements of India all over the world. If you like our hard work, then please subscribe to the channel & press the bell icon. #monalisa #monalisapainting #monalisapaintingnetworth #monalisamystriousfacts