Shiekh Yasir bin rashid 🤲🏻#sudais #tilawat #foryou #islamic #viral #viralvideo #shorts #shortsvideos
Surah Al-Humazah | Recitation HD | Full With Arabic Text (HD) | 104-سورۃالھمزہ | JTQ Academy Surah Al-Asr | Recitation HD | Full With Arabic Text (HD) | 103-سورۃالعصر | JTQ Academy Surah Ar-Rahman | Recitation TvHD | Full With Arabic Text (HD) | 55-سورۃالرحمن | JTQ Academy ____________________________________________ #tilawatequran #sudais #holyquran #Al-humaza #Surahal-humaza #tilawat #tilawatsurah #surahrehman #parah30 #quranrecitation #quranmajeed #alquran #muslimummah #dailyrecitationtvhd #Quranacademy #JTQacademy #dailytilawat #tilawathumaza #surahyaseen #dailyquranverse #Dailyquranrecitation #alquranhifz #recitation #Masnoonduwain #JTQacademy بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم HADITH USMAN BIN AFFAN (R.A) REPORTED:- THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH (صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم ) SAID:- "THE BEST AMONGST YOU IS THE ONE WHO LEARN THE QURAN AND TEACHES IT". (Al-Bukhari) Sūrat al-Aʻlā (Arabic: سورة الأعلى, “The Most High”, “Glory To Your Lord In The Highest”) is the eighty-seventh sura of the Qur'an with 19 ayat. Al-A'la describes the Islamic view of existence, the Oneness of Allah, and Divine revelation, additionally mentioning rewards and punishments. Mankind often hides things from each other and from themselves as well. The sura reminds us that Allah knows the things that are declared and things that lie hidden. The final verse of this Sura affirms that a similar message was also revealed to Abraham and Moses in their scriptures.[1] Surat Al-A'lā is among the most recited suras in the Jummah and Witr prayers. This sura is a Al-Musabbihat sura because it begins with the glorification of Allah. ___________________________________________ ...... Jamia Azizia Taleem ul Quran...... Regards Admin : Raza Ullah 1. Channel : JATQ Official 2. Channel : Asghar Ali Tv 3. Channel : Real Islamic Media 4. Channel : JATQ Islamic Shorts 5. Channel : JTQ Academy ____________________________________________ Channel Link / channel F.b Page Link https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... Other channel Link / @asgharalitv4977 ____________________________________________ #islamicpost #instagram #quran #islamdaily #allahuakbar #quranquotes #muhammed #podcoast #holyquran #autobiography #muslims #learnislam #loveislam #islamicpodcasts #islamicpodcast #podcast #mohammed #religion #dawahteam #converts #tawakkul #quranicverse #ramadan #islamicvideos #deen #pakistan #nasheedartist #naat #muslimummah #allahhuakbar#islamicyoutube #islam #islamic #muslim #islamicvideo #allah #muhammad #youtube #mashallah #allahterashukarhai #aarassasif #naatshareef #nawaz #subhanallah #makkah #videos #allahamdulillah #shaikh #urdu #jamat #nasheed #inshallah #video #ya #kaabe #bhfyp #e #nasheeds #islamicquotes #for#urdushayari #urdushairi #urduposts #urduzone #پاکستان #urduzaban #urdu_quote #promoteurdu #instaurdu #kaamkibaatein#islamicyoutube #loveislam #inshallah #muhammed #autobiography #nasheed #naat #mohammed #holyquran #tawakkul #learnislam #allahhuakbar #muslimummah #quranicverse #islamicvideos ____________________________________________ You can watch Video from this channel about 1. Holy Quran Recitation 2. Complete Surah 1 to 114 3. Tilawat e Quran Majeed 4. Learn Quran with Tajweed 5. Learn Norani Qaida with Tajweed 6. Learn Quran with Meaning 7. Masnoon Duwain 8. Nimaz 9. Umra and Hajj videos 10.knowlage about Islam 11. Daily Hadees (S.A.W) 12. Wazaif 13. Asmah e Hasna 14. Quran Majeed Parah 1 to 30 15. Holy Quran Manzil And Other things about islam ________________________________ Message : Islam is a Peace Full Religion ________________________________ Mission : Our Mission is spread islam to All around the World 🌎 ________________________________ Request : Subscribe our channel and Press Bell icon and Share our video to your Friends Just Need Your Support 🥰 .....Thanks.......