How I Clean My Sourdough Starter Jar |Sourdough Starter Feeding

How I Clean My Sourdough Starter Jar |Sourdough Starter Feeding

I’m not exactly sure how often I should wash my starter jar, however, I try to wash my jar every couple of weeks.  In this video, I am showing you exactly how I move my starter from one jar to another and clean my main jar out. I follow a low to no discard method with my sourdough starter and only have one source of starter. Sourdough shirt — I share exactly how I feed my starter, in this video, to make a levain for bread baking —    • How to Feed Sourdough Starter | sourd...   I either feed any discard to my chickens so my worms. I share how I feed sourdough discard to my chickens, in this video —    • Sourdough Discard Recipe | for your c...   You can find my mesh bag covers, here —