2025-02-09 10:30 am. Celebration of  the Holy Mass for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

2025-02-09 10:30 am. Celebration of the Holy Mass for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Good morning and Welcome to the Celebration of the Holy Mass for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The first reading gives us the account of Isaiah's call and his feeling about being unworthy. In the end he declares: "Here am I; send me!" In our Gospel we have the call of Peter who realizes that Jesus is more than a rabbi and he declares, "Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!." Jesus says to him: "Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people." In our reading from Corinthians we hear of Paul's conversion and call to follow the Lord. In all the readings, we hear about the call of certain individuals and that call does not go away today. We are each called to build up the Kingdom of God in our own way. What is your response? The Responsorial Psalm is Psalm 138: "Before the Angels I sing your praise, O Lord".