35 Minute Full Body Strength and Cardio Workout | Tri Sets | Dumbbells Band Wall
Grab dumbbells, a mini band, a mat, and be near a wall for this 35 Minute Total Body Workout. For resistance reference I have a pair of 5, 10, 15, and 20lb dumbbells. I also have a heavy latex mini band. Keep in mind that you and I are different, so you may need to go heavier than me to feel challenged OR you may need to go lighter than me in order to keep good form..so find a weight selection that feels challenging for you while maintaining really great form! We will perform tri-sets during today's workout. We perform each tri-set only once. We perform the first two exercises of each tri set for 60 seconds each, and we perform the third exercise of every tri set for 45 seconds. The transition time between exercises will be a short 10 seconds and we have 20 seconds to transition/recovery in between rounds. We have seven total tri sets. After our tri sets, we have two 5 minute burnouts. The first is a 5 minute non-stop cardio burnout, and the second is a 5 minute non-stop ab burnout. This one is quite fatiguing. If needed, drop your weight during the exercise to something lighter. You can also rest/pause during the set or physically hit the pause button if needed as well. 😀 So meet me on your mat and let’s get to work! 🤜❤️🤛 Recorded a Voice over for this workout. Let me know how it goes in the comments below! Skip to 2:00 to begin warmup Workout time: Approx 35:00 Advanced 30 Day Program: • Advanced At-Home Strength and Cardio ... Month 1 30 Day Workout Program: • Month One: 30 Day Workout Program Str... Month 2 30 Day Workout Program: • Month Two: 30 Day Workout Program Str... Month 3 30 Day Workout Program: Month 3 30 Day Workout Program: • Month Three: 30 Day Strength and Card... Month 4: • Month Four: 30 Day Workout Program St... Month 5: • Month Five: 30 Day Strength and Cardi... Month 6: • Month Six: 30 Day Strength and Cardio... Yogorilla Mats / Use code FITBYLARIE for 10% off: https://gorillamats.com (I'm using 7x5) Equipment/ Clothing used: https://www.amazon.com/shop/fitbylari... The Workout / 60 seconds/ 10 sec / 60 seconds / 10 sec / 45 seconds / 20 sec (warm up) Banded Donkey Kicks left, right Banded Wall sit abductions DB side plank reverse fly left, right DB bicep curl to jump back and in plank DB single leg to Bstance RDL left, right DB hip hinge swings DB neutral to semi pronated row left, right DB renegade row to jump back and in plank DB swing lunge left, right DB neutral grip thrusters DB clean to press left, right DB sumo squat to BW frogger DB poliquin lateral raise DB fur way raise BW high to low plank to shoulder taps BW cardio burnout, non stop, 45 seconds each 8 high knees quick, 4 slow skiiers jumping jacks to alt punch butt kicks to crossovers heismans squat to reach, squat jump burpee BW ab burnout, non stop, 45 seconds each sprinter sit ups bicycles assisted v-ups up and over reaches leg lowers double crunch reverse crunch (iso hold, quick) Additional Add-Ons to Compliment this Workout: Abs: • 10 Minute Ab Workout | Bodyweight Onl... Cardio and Core: • 30 Minute Cardio and Core Bodyweight ... Push and Core: • 30 Minute Push and Core Strength Work... Stretch 13 Minute Mid/Upper Back Stretch: • 13 Minute Mid/Upper Back Stretch & Re... 15 Minute Neck and Shoulder: • 15 Minute Neck and Shoulder Release &... 25 Minute Full Body Stretch for Sore Muscles: • 25 Minute Full Body Stretch for Sore ... 20 Minute Lower Back Stretch (gentle, relaxing): • 20 Minute Lower Back Release Gentle S... Hips and Low Back (28 Minute Stretch) • 28 Minute Hip and Low Back Mobility F... Tag me in your posts & stories on IG: @lariemidkiff Follow "Fit By Larie" on Facebook! Join the private FB group Fit by Larie (this is a great way to ask your questions when more context is needed!) MUSIC: 🎵 All songs are licensed from epidemic sounds and soundstriped