Dashanan Batch Orientation | UPPSC AE | MPPSC AE | RPSC AE | Harshna Verma | Deependra Shukla
LINK TO BUY COURSE : https://unacademy.com/store/batch/das... ================================================================================ USE CODE : DEEP09 OR HV07 OR AB100 ================================================================================ TELEGRAM LINK : Welcome to DASHANAN: Batch Orientation for State Engineering Services 2025, featuring the UPPSC AE and MPPSC AE exams. This session is designed for civil engineering aspirants who are gearing up for the prestigious state engineering services exams. Whether you're targeting UPPSC AE or MPPSC AE, this orientation will provide you with essential insights, tips, and strategies to help you ace your preparation. In this session, we will cover: Detailed exam patterns and syllabus for UPPSC AE and MPPSC AE Key strategies to crack the exams with confidence Time management techniques for efficient preparation Expert tips on core engineering subjects The role of Civil Yodha and how it can be a game-changer in your preparation #dashanan #stateengineeringservices2025 #uppscae #mppscae #civilyodha #engineeringexams #uppsc #mppsc #civilengineering #engineeringaspirants #governmentexams #engineeringservices #exampreparation #civilengineer #civilservicespreparation #engineeringcareer #uppsc2025 #mppsc2025 #civilyodhaorientation #engineeringsuccess #studytips #examstrategies #engineeringexams2025#civilengineering #gate #Engineering #soilformularevision #soilmechanics #civilengineering #engineeringexams #unacademycivil #railwayexam #tipsandtricks #interview #Notification #updates #formula #btech #civil #civilyodha #civilyodhabyunacademy #harshnaverma #abhisheksir #abhishekshrivastavasir #deependrasir #abhisheksircivilyodha #gate #civil #sscje #sscjecivil #rrbje #rrbjecivil #sscje2025 #rrbjecbt1 #rrbjecbt2 #rrbjecivilengineering #railwayexams #gate2025 #gate2026 #gatecivil #iitroorkee #ese #irms #ese2025 #uppscae #rpscae #mppscae #gpscae #ukpsclecturer #stateaeje #stateae #stateje